Friday, August 18, 2006


This is from Ellen Lupton's article "A Postmortem on Deconstruction."

"Deconstruction asks a question: How does representation inhabit reality? How does the external appearance of a thing get inside its internal essence? How does the surface get under the skin?"

"A work of design can be called deconstruction when it exposes and transforms the established rules of writing, interrupting the sacred 'inside' of content with the profane 'outside' of form."

*inventive typography from the past has done this, and by writing that is what she means.

"For the design field, deconstruction has been reduced to the name of a historical period rather than an ongoing way of approaching design."

"Deconstruction will never be over because it describes a way of thinking about language that has always existed."

"It's not a style or a movement, but a way of asking questions through our work. Critical form making will always be part of design practice, whatever theoretical tools one might use to identify it."


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